Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cheerleading a sport or other?

Apparently this little debate has been taken to court to see if cheerleading's an actual sport. Well, you have to think of al sports. Each sport has its own objective or point, and a winner and loser or something to play the game with like a football or basketball. All these standards that I've explained don't fit with cheerleading. Sure some people think poker's not a sport but at least there's an objective, and there is a winner and loser. And there's something you play the game with. And even though cheerleading has palm palms those dont pass has something to play it with. And there's not a winner or loser. Even though they may make the case that it's a team thing that it's a sport. But not all sports are teams. And there's no point or objective like a goal in soccer. Cheerleading maybe pretty tough it doesnt meet the standards of a sport. More like a high paced fast moving dance.

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