Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Phil the Zen Master Done

When reporters asked his daughter if he was coming back she had said no. And Phil after an amazing career deserves to retire.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

France Manager has refused to shake South Africa manager

France manager raymond domenech refuses to shake hands after the game that eliminates france from the World Cup. Because of a bad red card call by ref that may have decided the game.

Wanderli Silva hurt Chris leben will now fight akiyama

Wanderli just a couple days ago had gotten an injury to put him out for the highly anticipated and tight matchup against Akiyama that would propel either fighters into title contention. But with the injury Chris Leben who is coming of a huge knockout win in the 2nd round over Aaron simpson will be fighting Akiyama.

Tim Tebow from QB to FB

If you are one of the many people that think Tebow is a joke, well I'm with you. And apparently so are the Broncos. Broncos have decided the solution to their redzone troubles would be to put tim @ FB, which is what they're leaning towards doing. To tell you the truth I think he might be very good at fullback. They could do a little option offense, maybe some wild cat put Tebow up top, maybe on the right side. I think they would have a very explosive offense.

Cheerleading a sport or other?

Apparently this little debate has been taken to court to see if cheerleading's an actual sport. Well, you have to think of al sports. Each sport has its own objective or point, and a winner and loser or something to play the game with like a football or basketball. All these standards that I've explained don't fit with cheerleading. Sure some people think poker's not a sport but at least there's an objective, and there is a winner and loser. And there's something you play the game with. And even though cheerleading has palm palms those dont pass has something to play it with. And there's not a winner or loser. Even though they may make the case that it's a team thing that it's a sport. But not all sports are teams. And there's no point or objective like a goal in soccer. Cheerleading maybe pretty tough it doesnt meet the standards of a sport. More like a high paced fast moving dance.

Tomorrow's Group C Matches

United States vs. Algeria - Jun 23 10:00am (ET) on ESPN
Slovenia vs. England - Jun 23 10:00am (ET) on ESPN2
Australia vs. Serbia - Jun 23 2:30pm (ET) on ESPN2
Ghana vs. Germany - Jun 23 2:30pm (ET) on ESPN

Altidore misses Practice with Stomach Bug

Jozy Altidore, US superstar super talent, missed the USA training session today with a stomach bug. But he is expected to play tomorrow in their crucial game against Algeria.

Albert Haynesworth Back Fire

Albert Haynesworth a Redskins Dt looking for a way out of DC to add to his other problems was sues 2.38 million by Clayton Ban and trust in Knoxville alleging he failed to make the payments for his 2.38 million dollar loan. The suit was filed just last week, and the bank made the loan in june of 2009. both Haynesworth and the bank made an agreement, but haynesworth failed to meet the payment of the agreement.

FIFFA WORLD CUP 2018 or 2022 to be held in the US ?

After watching what thee 1994 world cup take place in america it was a giant celebration. And there was some big results to the world cup being in the US, that was the start of the MLS. The US was so inspired by this soccer atmosphere. now that it is time for it to maybe be in the US again it would be maybe the biggest World Cup ever. Think about it, the US has the most diverse culture in the world. Almost 30 % of the population is hispanic and its growing. We keep getting many people from all around the world. That's why if it were to be held in the USA every team would have a decent amount of fans and it would be a huge celebration for all countries.

Dr Galea Charged of giving performance enhancing drugs to pro athletes

Canadian Pro sports doctor Dr. Galea who specializes in platelet replacement therapy was charged in court of giving 3 of 23 unidentified athletes (most from the NFL) illegal or not approved drugs. He has visited 8 cities Cleveland, San Diego, Washington D.C, Tampa Bay, Orlando, Boston, San Francisco. There was one athlete revealed in the files that is Starting Redskins WR Santana moss. He had apparently given Santana Moss first on August 12 Human Growth Hormone. Dr. Galea is now in deep trouble and so is the NFL.

Steve Smith Broken Arm Playing flag football

Steve Smith at his own camp broke his arm playing flag football, this is not good for the Panthers Because all of their other WR's stink. Steve will still be able to do workouts but no football activities.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Batista WWE to MMA

I'm not a fan of WWE, and espically I'm not a fan of Pro Wrestlers that have been dropped on their head a few time and they want to switch to MMA. And their's only three former pro wrestlers that were actullay succsesful, that is Brock Lesnar, Mark Coleman, Frank Trigg, and Frank Shamrock. People like Bobby Lashley just are scared of MMA when they see it. And I hope that people like the wwe can learn how to contain their fighters so that theu dont leak into MMA.

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T Mac wants to be a Laker. I wonder why???

T Mac wants to be a Laker... First your a walking injury, your selfish because if the Celtics would of wo, you would've wanted to be a Celtic. And you dont deserve to go a team of that caliber. Your getting old, and if someone's looking for talent your name won't be on that list

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

WEC: Varner vs. Shalorus

In Canada there was a great example of a good Mixed Martial Arts fight. And that was between Jamie Varner and Kamal Shalorus. Even though there were a HUGE controversy. In the fight Shalorus had hit Varner with 3 very hard low blows to the groin. Unfortunatley getting more accurate every time. Both fighters landed shots than can make the statue of liberty crumble. Both Jamie and Shalorus broke both their right hands. This was a standup war between 2 warriors of MMA. After the second low kick to Varner Shalorous was deducted 1 point. The judges scored the fight 27-29 Varner, the 2nd one scored it 27-29 Shalorus, the last judge scored it 28-28. MAKING IT A TIE! i think there should be a rematch immediatley. Because in sports there is a winner and a loser. Which I beleive in completely.

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Marvin Harrison Still Loves His Guns

Earlier this month Marin Harrison was pulled over by police because they think they saw him with a weapon. when asked by the police, Marvin pulled out a apparently fake registration saying that he is allowed to carry a gun, when the police asked again Harrison replied no. But then later when they searched the car they found the gun inside the car console

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Sources = another word for people who say this is happening so they can be mentioned on Tv

2 sources say Lebron James has made a deal with Knicks which will happen, and the other one said he has made a deal with the Bulls. It's obvious to me that Lebron is going to the Knicks because they got more money in the bank. We know that because they havent made an attempt to get any other players. Which is one part why they suck, but if they were to get Lebron, who would play with him, because he cant play by himself. Well maybe he can, but still?

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Dana White Strikeforce No Match For UFC

Strikeforce saying the Fedor fight will be bigger than Carwin vs Lesnar, well Strikeforce just because you say that your on the biggest platform in mma doesnt mean you are. Some people may have dropped you on your heads. UFC is obviously the best and in the future they'll get better. Strikeforce instead of makingf up lies face the truth and shut up.

Heyneswoth to Seahawks?

Recently the Redskins havent been liking the attidude of their 100 million dollar DT, there has been contract disputes, but that's not the problem. Albert has felt liuke the Redskins just signed him so that he could fillup gaps. The Redskins have been depending on hi m to make sure the defense is good. And he's tired of it, being treated liuke a human snow plow. And he wants to go ton a team where they wont depend on him to do everything for him. Which is why the Seahawks are interested. They have a decent defense with good LB's and corners but the have had a little trouble at defense of tackle. So look for the Seahawks to pickup Albert Haynesworth this summer.

Fedor the The Last Baby Empereror

Famous Russian Sambo fighter Fedor Emelianenko has had one of the most victorious carer's in mma history. He's beaten people like Andrei Arlovski, and Brett Rogers. He ius said to be one of the best Heavyweights in Mixed Martial Arts History. He's fought most of the entire heavyweight division. There's one fighter who is making a name for himself and is also a legend of MMA, but Fedor has seen his power and strenght. Fedor Emelianenko is unquestionably the best heavyweight to live. But he's afraid, he's afraid of 6'5" 253 pounds of purer muscle, which is rumored that is caused by steroids Alstair Overeem. Coming off a KO win over Brett Rogers. Fedor's phsique tells me he is lazy and doesnt do alot of cardio workouts because in mopst of his fiights I find his mouth open. He thinks since he was born with the winning ability of never going to lose he doesnt need to work hard. Biut he's seen Alstair's fights and is deeply scared he moight get hurt. But most fighters when they see how good their opponnett is, they wannna step in thatr cage against them. But Fedor, well be a baby.

WEC Varner vs Shalorous

Prediction: Shalorous 3rd TKO

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chattanooga FC wasn't pleased but we dint win against the 0-3 Atlanta FC even tough we came away with a 1-1 draw it felt like a loss. We had many crossing chances to score in the closing minutes but none seemed to find the goal. You can watch all Chattanooga Fc games n by smallfri 62 or jfrierson, hoe to see you watching

TUF 11 Results


Round 1 - Heavyweight sluggers kick off the night's preliminary card action. Referee Kim Winslow in the cage, and she'll probably want to be on her toes. Browne opens with a right hand that misses. McSweeney feigns a front kick as he tries to stay elusive on his feet. Another miss from Browne, and McSweeney lands a high kick. Browne pushes into the clinch, but they don't stay there long. Browne looks relaxed, and he misses with a Superman punch. McSweeney connects with a right hand. Inside leg kick for McSweeney. Leg kick again for McSweeney. Browne stalking and loading up for a big shot. McSweeney moving well for now and avoiding any real damage. Browne fires a heavy hook, and McSweeney avoids. Browne keeps coming forward and lands a kick to the body then a heavy left punch up top that drops his foe. Browne follows to the ground and moves into half-mount. McSweeney bleeding, and patiently attacks from the top. McSweeney's head agianst the cage, and Browne controlling the positioning well. A few short elbows land from the top, and Browne presses a forearm across the neck to hold McSweeney down. McSweeney trying to wiggle free, but Browne passes to mount with 40 seconds left. Browne fires off punches from the top. McSweeney covers up, but Winslow has seen enough and halts the contest.
Travis Browne def. James McSweeney via TKO (punches) - Round 1, 4:32.


Round 1 - Referee Josh Rosenthal in charge of the night's second bout. Hammortree takes the center early. A few leg kicks traded by both, and Hammortree just misses with a right-hand counter. Left high kick from Camozzi blocked, but he follows up low. Stiff straight scores for Camozzi. One minute in. Hammortree fires a hard right. Camozzi lands a low kick that catches Hammortree off-balance, and he nearly hits the deck. Camozzi rushes into the clinch and shoves Hammortree against the cage. Nothing there, and they reset. Flurry of kicks from Camozzi. He's chopping the legs and then nails the ribs. Hammortree absorbs the shots and drives in for a takedown. Camozzi quickly bucks him off and returns to the feet. Left straight, then a jab from Camozzi. Hammortree looks a little frustrated. Right hand lands for Hammortree, and Camozzi looks a little hurt, though he may simply be baiting. Into the clinch, and Hammortree lands a nice right elbow to the face. They push off and reset. Camozzi land a right hand that catches Hammortree's attention. Flurry in the final seconds, and the best shot is a Hammortree left. Nevertheless, Camozzi was the more active fighter and takes the round 10-9 on the card.

Round 2 - Hammortree again takes the center of the cage. This time he's busier with his hands to open. Camozzi eats a few and moves into the clinch. This time it's Hammortree's back against the cage. Not a lot of action, and Hammortree asks for a break. Rosenthal leaves it, and Camozzi lands a knee as they break on their own. Flurry, and Hammortree calls for time. Apparently he was struck in his left eye. Quick restart. Camozzi shoots in, and he's breathing heavily as Hammortree shucks off the attempt. Flying knee for Camozzi. Hammortree clinches, and Camozzi lands a few more inside. Hammortree tries to back away, but Camozzi chases and lands more knees. Hammortree must be hurt, but he fires back with his hands and eventually locks up the body and slams Camozzi to the floor. Spirited exchange, and Hammortree sets up on top with Camozzi in guard. Hammortree stands up and throws a few kicks to the legs, but he eventually backs away and asks for the restart. Straight right for Camozzi, who also lands a kick to the legs. Hammortree shoots in, but Camozzi defends. More knees inside from Camozzi. Hammortree showing heart, but he needs to show defense. Scramble in the clinch as time runs out. Hammortree had good moments, but sees it for Camozzi, 10-9.

Round 3 - Hammortree opens with a few punches on the money, and Camozzi looks to clinch. This time Hammortree lands the knee, though Camozzi answers in kind. Inside leg kick from Camozzi connects to Hammortree's twig, and we take a small break. Back to action quickly. Camozzi shoots in, but Hammortree defends and lands several short punches while his opponent drives forward to no avail. Hammortree scores again up top with an audible blow, but Camozzi answers with more knees. Camozzi clinches and pushes in. Nothing doing, and he backs away and eats a left hand. Hammortree scores with a mid-range kick, and he's stalking. Traded left hands. Camozzi misses a wild hook, and Hammortree lands with his own. Both fighters look winded, but they're still attacking. Traded shots from both. Camozzi lands another knee and pushes forward. Both fighters firing shots. Camozzi works into the clinch, and there's a stall against the cage. Hammortree tries to trip but Camozzi remains on his feet. Less than a minute. Misses Superman from Hammortree. Camozzi pushes in again, and Hammortree tries for a guillotine on the feet. He drops to the guard with 10 seconds remaining and squeezes tight on the right side. Rosenthal watching Camozzi intently, but he survives. Good fight throughout, and gives the final frame to Camozzi, 10-9, and the fight to him, as well, 30-27.
Chris Camozzi def. James Hammortree via unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27).


Round 1 - Referee Kim Winslow returns to the cage. Noke with his left ankle taped, and he lands an early jab. Bryant stands in the pocket, but Noke looks very fast early. Noke with a left. Inside leg kick from Noke, and he follows with an outside shot with the right. One minute in. Noke using his reach well early. Noke loads up with a leg kick. Right hand from Noke just misses. All Noke early. Another heavy outside leg kick from Noke. He fires again and connects to the ribs. Bryant kicks to the body. Traded punches, and both land solid hooks. Bryant might have to take one to give one all night. Noke lands and moves away. Bryant drops his hands and leans over. Noke kicks inside and lands a right. Noke patient, and he lands a 1-2-10. Bryant having all kinds of trouble early, though he's game to the challenge. Two more snapping kicks to the legs for Noke. More kicks from Noke to close, and it's his round on the card, 10-9.

Round 2 - Bryant lands a low kick and leaps in with a hook. Noke moves away and returns fire. Bryant grabs his cup after a low kick, but no stoppage. Noke jabs. Noke kicks to the body. Moderate pace right now. Noke lands to the legs again, and Bryant is having a hard time standing. Bryant dives at the legs, but Noke scampers away. Bryant's back against the cage. Noke punches up top and kicks again to the legs. Both of Bryant's legs have been battered, and he's showing the wear. Noke lands a front kick and Bryant is hurt. He hits the deck after a few left hands. Bryant turtled, and Noke unleashes with punches. Winslow lets a few more land than probably need to, but she eventually pulls Noke off.
Kyle Noke def. Josh Bryant via TKO (strikes) - Round 2, 3:12.


Round 1 - Baczynski and Tavares in the cage for round two in their personal saga. Referee Herb Dean in charge of watching for any soccer kicks. Baczynski kicks low three times to open. Tavares misses up top with a left, and Baczynski moves in for the takedown. Tavares reverses and takes top position. Baczynski scrambling to get up, and he eventually works back to his feet. Restart in the center. Baczynski lands a jab. Tavares kicks low, though he slips and Baczynski follows. Tavares pops right back up, but they're in the clinch. Baczynski grabs a guillotine and falls to his back. Tavares pops out, but Baczynski switches to an armbar. Two minutes in, and Baczynski keeps control of the arm. Tavares eventually slides out and moves to Baczynski's back. Tavares can't get his hooks, but he stays on the back. Eventually, he works the legs in and pulls Baczynski over. Tavares looking for the choke, but Baczynski defends well. Tavares has a body lock and in control of the positioning. Baczynski fires a few right hands backward to Tavares' face. Tavavres continues to look for the choke, but Baczynski lasts until the bell. Baczynski had some solid moments early, but Tavares spent so much time on the back, he takes it on the card, 10-9.

Round 2 - Great flurry by both to open. Tavares jumps up to a guillotine briefly but releases. He backs away and secures Baczynski's body before elevating and dumping him hard on the canvas. Baczynski maintains guard on the floor. Tavres tries to scramble out, and Baczynski looks for a leg. Tavares remains safe and eventually works in to half-mount. Tavares stands up and Baczynski fires off rapid upkicks, but Tavares avoids them and pushes back in to side control. Baczynski immediately rolls to his belly. Tavares fires in a few knees and looks for an armbar. Baczynski easily avoids and takes top, landing a nice elbow while there. Tavares scrambles quickly and returns to top position. Tavares in complete control of the round with 90 seconds left. Tavares lands a few short shots, and Baczynski's face showing the damage as the blood begins to flow. Tavares bleeding from the earlier elbow, as well. Tavares working to isolate an arm from the top, and he works briefly into a crucifix. Baczynski does well to avoid too much damage, but it's clearly Tavares' round, 10-9.

Round 3 - Spirited exchange of kicks to open. Tavares shoots in, and Baczynski avoids well. Tavares continues to drive through, but Baczynski backs up to the cage. Tavares grabs the left leg and circles off the cage, pulling Baczynski to the floor. Baczynski sets up in guard. Baczynski's guard high. Tavares postures and lands a right hand. Two minutes in. Baczynski rolling for a kimura, and he kicks his legs up for a slick triangle instead. It's locked in, and Tavres trying to step over and out, though Baczynski grabs the leg to keep it tight. Tavares keeps pulling and pulling, and he finally works free after a few very tense moments. Tavares now works to the back, and it's a repeat of round one. This time, Baczynski is able to spin into the maneuver and work free. Back to the feet, and Tavares shoots in. Nothing there, and he's forced to pull guard. Baczynski fires shots from the top. Tavares tries to secure an arm, but Baczynski shrugs it off. Baczynski pushes until the final bell, but he can't finish. sees the final round for Baczynski, 10-9, but awards the fight to Tavares, 29-28.
Brad Tavares def. Seth Baczynski via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).


Round 1 - Referee Josh Rosenthal in charge of the evening's final preliminary bout. Pawing jabs by both to open. Clinchwork early. Gunderson lands a knee and tries to drop for a takedown. Holst tries for a guillotine, but Gunderson elevates him and slams him to the floor. Gunderson passes briefly, though Holst reagins guard. Holst has his head trapped against the cage, though he spins and wiggles to avoid damage. Halfway through the round. Holst brings his right leg up to Gunderson's shoulder, but Gunderson pushes it off and slides out to side control. Short left hands come in. Gunderson goes to knee on belly, but Holst transitions quickly underneath until he regains guard. Gunderson tries to slam out of the defense from Holst. Gunderson controlling the positioning, though Holst avoiding damage. Nevertheless, it's Gunderson's frame, 10-9.

Round 2 - Gunderson shoots in early and we're right back in the same position we ended round one. Gunderson slides out to side control, but Holst shows excellent dexterity underneath and regains guard. Gunderson slides out to the other side. Left elbows from the top. Holst wiggles back to guard. Very slick underneath, but no offense. Gunderson looks to pass, and Holst threatens briefly with a triangle. Slow pace on floor. Rosenthal stands the fighters, and it's the biggest applause of the fight so far. On the restart, Holst takes advantage of a flurry to shove Gunderson back and take top position. Holst eyes a side choke but eventually stands. Gunderson tags him with a few rights when he does, and "Guns" puts the fight back on the floor. "Boots" pulls guard, and we'll end the round there. Few shots from Gunderson at the bell, and he takes another round on the card, 10-9.

Round 3 - Touch of gloves to open the final frame. Gunderson opens up the attack with several punches. They mostly miss, and he elects to shoot back in. Holst defends well and spins off. Holst's corner begs him to throw hands. He does, and it works. Gunderson shoots in, and Holst grabs another guillotine. Gunderson elevates him the same way he did in the first, but this time he curiously sets his foe down gently. Holst rolls to Gunderson's right arm for a kimura. Gunderson defending well, but Holst maintains his attention on the hold. Corner begs for him to crank the arm, but Holst can't work it free. Less than two minutes, and Holst's corner wants him to hit a sweep, stand, anything. Holst is down on the cards, but he won't give up on the kimura. With one minute left, he finally lets go. Holst transitions to an armbar, and Gunderson might be in trouble. Gunderson's right arm is the target, and he sits down to keep the pressure off. Holst trying to crank the limb, but Gunderson makes it to the bell. awards the final round to Holst based on the submission looks, 10-9, but sees Gunderson taking the fight, 29-28.
John Gunderson def. Mark Holst via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27).


Round 1 - Referee Steve Mazagatti in charge of the night's first televised bout. Touch of gloves to open. Yager misses with an early low kick. Both throw punches, and Yager rushes forward to follow the initial exchange. Yager quick early and Attonito struggling with the reach issue. Attonito pushes in, and Yager defends against the cage. Attonito trips the action to the floor, but Yager pops immediately back up. Knee inside for Yager. Low kicks scores. Two minutes in. Yager lands a right hand followed by a low kick. Attonito returning fire, but he's coming up short. Yager kicks low and Attonito lands with the right-hand counter. Attonito lands a left hand, and Yager retreats and resets. Attonito lands another right ahnd counter over the low kick and Yager stumbles. Attonito rushes in and pushes Yager to the cage. Bothing there, and he backs away. Yager misses a left, and Attonito scores with another right. Yager gets a right hand in, then a Brazilian kick. Good back-and-forth action to open. Close round, but gives a slight nod to Yager, 10-9.

Round 2 - Spirited flurry early. Attonito looking for big shots, while Yager working well from distance. Attonito lands a right as Yager tries to slip. Both fighters working the hands well. Attonito works in a kick, and Yager does the same. Attonito slips a few Yager punches and lands a few counters. Nice combo from Attonito has Yager scrambling. Attonito patient in his attack, and he lands with another solid right hand. Yager tries a wild jumping strike that misses. Attonito slipping Yager's punches and countering over and over. Two minutes left. Attonito attacks the body. More solid punching combinations from Attonito, and Yager drops. Attonito moves immediately to the back and starts looking for the choke. Crowd erupts at the maneuver. Yager defends well, but Attonito stays pinned to the back. Attonito flattens Yager out and starts unleashing right hands. Yager tries to defend with his right arm, but the punches are coming quickly. Mazzagatti watches closely as the shots add up, and he finally rushes in to halt the bout.
Rich Attonito def. Jamie Yager via TKO (punches) - Round 2, 4:25.


Round 1 - Referee Kim Winslow officiates the lightweight affair. Fisher scores with a low kick and Siver just misses a counter. Lots of movement early. Low kick from Fisher right on the cup, and Siver takes a break. On the restart Fisher continues with the kicking attacks. Siver just missing with heavy counters. Siver lands a big front kick. Fisher again kicks inside and it looks a little low, but we carry on. Siver again kicks high. Siver's left eye already marked up. Both fighters exchanging well with punches, and Siver mixing n kicks as well. Siver's eye really bleeding now, but he's firing shots. Fisher lands a high kick. Siver holding the center, but Fisher moving around and attacking. Fisher walks into a punch, and he's bleeding on the side of his head, too. Siver landing with a few punches here and there. He misses a spinning back kick. Fisher continues to score with low kicks as well. Fisher's cut seems to have come from a headbutt. awards him the round, 10-9.

Round 2 - Siver again in the center to open the round. Fisher circling left, into Siver's power hand. Fisher kicks low. moves in but eats a counter. Siver now kicking low again. Patient attacks from both. Fisher lands a nice straight left, then follows with a firm low kick. Fisher continues to circle into Siver's power hand, and Siver just misses a big right. Siver works a pair of low kicks. Siver catches a kick and lands a right hand that sends Fisher down. He pops back up, but Siver looks energized. Fisher has a high kick blocked, but he then lands a 1-2. Fisher with a Superman, then a follow straight. One minute left. Both fighters still firing shots, though the action comes in spots. Siver lands a kick to the body. Front kick lands for Siver, but he's too close on another spinning strike. Close round, but sees it for Siver, 10-9.

Round 3 - Siver opens with a high kick. A low kick then catches Fisher in the groin, and we have a short break. High kick from Fisher answered with punches from Siver. Fisher's corner wants him to press. Siver still has the center of the cage. Siver lands a few punches and whiffs on a kick. Siver really starting to become the aggressor and looks much more comfortable than he did in the first. Siver lands a jab, though Fisher slips the right. Front kick from Siver. Two minutes in. Fisher starts to open up with punches and kicks, and a knee lands clean. Siver closing the distance now. Looping shots fired by both, though Siver throwing with more frequency. Fisher slowing down again. Siver slips a Fisher attack and fires back counters. Both guys willing to trade, but Siver seems to have the timing down at this point. Straight punch for Siver. Less than a minute. Siver wobbles momentarily. Front kick from Siver. Spinning backfist from Fisher. Siver shoots at the bell. Action in final round was extremely close, but leans slightly toward Siver, 10-9.
Dennis Siver def. Spencer Fisher via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28).


Round 1 - Referee Josh Rosenthal oversees this middleweight affair. Simpson rakes the center and stalks. Leben circling. Simpson fires the first flurry and immediately moves in for the takedown. Leben hits the deck, and Simpson takes side control. Leben scrambles up, but Simpson controls the head and lands a knee. Simpson looks like he's trying for the choke, but he lands another knee and moves away. Leben presses into the clinch and works in a few footstomps. Simpson circles off the cage. Nothin gin the clinch, and they reset. Simpson lands a stiff left, followed by a right Halfway through the frame. Simpson pushes in again. Simpson lifts LEben and tosses him to the floor. A few punches score to the face before Leben can scramble up. Leben fires of a few big lefts, but they miss. Simpson counters with a few stiff straights. Leben looks a bit winded moving forward, but he fires off shots when he has space. Simpson avoiding well and moves into the clinch. Less than a minute. Simpson throws a few knees, and Leben answers with some short punches to the head, but the round ends, and sees it for Simpson, 10-9.

Round 2 - Leben opens on the attack, and Simpson tries to counter with a takedown. Leben shucks it off and fires in the pocket. Simpson absorbs a few shots and fires back. The pair resets and moves across the cage, and it's a firefight. Simpson's back to the cage, and Leben firing hooks. Simpson slows things down with a clinch. Leben breaks and chases. Simpson tries for another takedown, but Leben remains upright. Leben lands a nice jab, but Simpson looks unfazed. Two minutes left. Simpson against the cage, and Leben throwing front kicks and left hands. Simpson firing back when he can, but his punches starting to tire. Leben firing off sots, and Simpson is rocked. He falls, and Leben pounces. Leben fires off punches as Rosenthal watches. Simpson crawls back to his feet and tries to scamper away. As he does, another pair of shots land, and Simpson stumbles to the canvas. Tough to tell how hurt Simpson was versus being a little hurt and well off-balance, but Rosenthal has seen enough.
Chris Leben def. Aaron Simpson via TKO (punches) - Round 2, 4:17.


Round 1 - Herb Dean the third man in the cage for the evening's co-main event. Hamill misses with a left hand and Jardine flurries. Into the clinch, but no real offense. Hamill works in a few jabs with Jardine's hands low. Jardine kicks low. Hamill jumps in and eats a low kick. Jardine landing and moving. Hamill kicks low but eats a right hand. Now Jardine kicks and catches a left counter. Jardine lands a kick to the midsectionrion. Halfway through. Jardine rushes forward with punches, though Hamill blocks most of them. Jardine lands a slapping low kick. Hamill shoots in, but Jardine saw it coming and defends. Traded jabs. Another low kick for Jardine, who follows with a combination that ends with an uppercut. Hamill getting thought in spots, but Jardine landing more shots. Jab for Jardine. Hamill blocks most of a combination. Jardine misses on a big right. sees the first for Jardine, 10-9.

Round 2 - Hamill moves forward to start. Brief tie up, but both fighters stay up. Jardine lands a high kick to the back. Jardine working in low kicks and punches, and Hamill's timing just seems a bit off. Jardine lands a low kick. Hamill catches it, but can't capitalize. Jardine resets and lands another low kick. Jabs traded by both. Hamill continues to stand in the picket, but he's just a touch behind. Jardine lands to the leg again. Hamill scores with a three-punch combination, but there's not much power. Low kick for Jardine. Firefight in the clinch. Hamill lands a high kick as they break, and its toe-to-toe trading. The crowd loves it. Both fighters landing, but Hamill grans his right eye and staggers to the floor. Fans don´t like it, but replays show a clear poke. After a break, Hamill says he can go. Dean deducts a point from Jardine, and he can't believe it. On the reset, Jardine fire off punches. Hamill answers and lands a straight left that staggers his foe. Hamill continues to push forward, and he traps Jardine against the cage. Hamill grabs a clinch and fires a knee when Jardine stands. Both fighters trade in the pocket, and Jardine's face is a mess. Hamill bleeding too, but he keeps coming. Uppercuts land for Hamill at the bell, and sees the exciting round for Hamill, 10-8 after the deduction.

Round 3 - The fighters pick up where they left off, though with a bit less zip. Hamill lands the stiffer shots, though Jardine returning fire. Hamill pushes in and secures the takedown. Jardine's reddened from the blood, and he tries to stand. A second effort gets him back standing, though Dean wants doctors to check the cut. It's over the right eye, but they let Jardine carry on. Jardine lands a nice right that pops Hamill's head back. Hamill tries to shoot, but Jardine scampers away and resets. Jabs from both. Jardine has abandoned the low kick. Hamill popping jabs, though Jardine not going anywhere. Two minutes left. Jardine's face a mess. He's retreating, but Hamill in control. Dean calls for a break as Jardine has lost his mouthpiece. Hamill shoots in on the restart. Jardine defends, but he's blasted by a knee to the face. Jardine lands a right. Hamill shoots again. Jardine defends well and resets. Less thana minute. Both fighters justifiably tired. Jardine more active in the closing second. Overhand right lands for Jadine, but gives the round to Hamill, 10-9, and he takes the fight, as well, 29-27.
Matt Hamill def. Keith Jardine via majority decision (29-27, 29-27, 28-28).


Round 1 - Referee Steve Mazagatti in the cage with the "TUF 11" title on the line. McCray gets the best of an early flurry, and the two move into the clinch. Nothing doing, and they reset. McCray reaches on a punch and nearly gets caught with a counter. Battle for the trip in a clinch, and McGee sets up on top. McCray has guard. Fight moves to the cafe, and McCray works himself back to his feet. Not there long as McGee sucks him up and back on to the floor. McCray's head against the cage. McGee postures and lands a shot as he passes into half-mount. McGee lands a few shots and tries to get a headlock as McCray stands. McCray fires off a few shots on the feet, but it's McGee who lands the cleaner blows. In the clinch, and McGee again drags the action to the mat. McCray works free when McGee looks for a choke, and it's back to the feet. McCray throwing his hands, but it's again McGee who lands the better shot.McCray lands a stiff right in the closing seconds, but sees the round for McGee, 10-9.

Round 2 - McCray fires off a few powerful punches, and he's looking a bit more active than round one. McGee wies him up and lands a knee. A scramble as the two hit the deck, and McGee is on top. McGee tries for a side choke from mount, but McCray slips out. McCray not absorbing any damage underneath, but he's still mounted. McGee lands a few left hands to the ribs. McCray rolls to escape, but McGee stays on the back. McCray spins free, and they're back on the feet. Traded shots on the feet, and McGee drives through for a takedown. McCray trapped, and McGee presses in and moves to the back. Left hook is in, and McGee sinks in the choke. McCray tries to relent, but he's forced to tap with no room to escape.
Court McGee def. Kris McCray via submission (rear-naked choke) - Round 2, 3:41.